Section: New Software and Platforms


Participant : Paul Feautrier.

C2fsm is a general tool that converts an arbitrary C program into a counter automaton. This tool reuses the parser and pre-processor of Syntol (see Section  5.4 ), which has been extended to handle while and do while loops, goto , break , and continue statements. C2fsm reuses also part of the code generator of Syntol and has several output formats, including FAST (the input format of Aspic, see Section  5.10 ), a rudimentary VHDL generator, and a DOT generator which draws the output automaton. In contrast to the FAST format, an ad hoc format, FLOW, uses a relational representation and retains non-affine constructs. C2fsm is also able to do elementary transformations on the automaton, such as eliminating useless states, transitions and variables, simplifying guards, or selecting cut-points, i.e., program points on loops that can be used by RanK (see Section  5.9 ) to prove program termination.